Wednesday, October 7, 2009

To Blog or Not to Blog?

So I think this response to this question is pretty predictable for me. I LOVE BLOGGING (almost as just as much as I love talking). I enjoy blogging and being reflective because it gives me time out of my day, just to do nothing but think and write it down. Most of the time I do not see blogging as just another assignment from another professor; but something that will genuinely prepare me for the real world and just growing as an individual.

Everyone who knows me can easily tell you that I am the world's BIGGEST chatterbox :) I talk all the time and when I'm not talking, I pretty much think about what I'm going to talk about next. Pretty sad, huh? Yeah I know, but it's just the way I was made. I like to express my opinions to others and let my thoughts become statements. So I think of blogging as that extra ear whenever nobody else wants to listen to me. I mean...I can always rely on a keyboard and a blog posting to listen to what I have to say...


tduncan said...

LOL- you make me smile, Brittany! I'm glad my lil "chatterbox" is enjoying the world of blogging and find it purposeful. I always enjoy reading your posts.

Brittany said...

Thank you Dr. Duncan...I'm glad my posts make your day a little brighter!